5 Pieces of Divorce Advice That You Need to Hear

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Going through a divorce can be mind-wrecking. It drains your energy, causes stress, and affects your mental well-being.

This process isn’t just costly and time-consuming but bad for your health too. Researchers have linked divorce to anxiety and depression. Suddenly, you find yourself alone, struggling to get your life back on track.

Surprisingly, over 41 percent of first marriages end in divorce. Most people wait at least three years to remarry or even start a lasting relationship.

The question is: how can you reduce the stress and make sure things go smoothly? Here are five pieces of divorce advice to help you out:

Make Savings

Before taking this step, set aside money. The average divorce costs around $15,500, so it isn’t exactly cheap.

Even though there are plenty of attorneys who claim to help you for less than $300, it’s not that easy. That price usually applies to couples who’ve already agreed to the terms of their separation.

Knowing that you have a financial safety net will result in less stress. Consider all the fees involved and then plan your budget.

Keep in Touch with Your Spouse

When you’re going through a divorce, you may experience a mix of emotions. Guilt, anger, and frustration are just a few to mention.

Perhaps your spouse has cheated on you. Or maybe things were going in the wrong direction. However, it’s in your best interest to keep in touch with your ex.

Discuss the key aspects of your divorce, such as property division and child custody. It’s better to agree on these things in private rather than start a fight in court.

Choose the Right Kind of Legal Service

Unless you own several properties or lots of assets, it doesn’t make sense to hire the most expensive law firm. Before choosing a legal service, consider your particular situation.

For instance, if you have no real estate and no kids, things should go smoothly. A simple conversation with an attorney will be enough to clear things up.

Change Your Will

Before starting this process, remember to update your will. Otherwise, your spouse may receive the money and assets previously granted therein.

A skilled lawyer can help with these aspects. They will tell what documents you need and how long it takes to solve things out. This will bring you peace of mind and ensure that your loved ones will be taken care of.

Consult Your Attorney on the Specific Needs of Your Family

Certain family situations, like pregnancy, can complicate the logistics a divorce. For instance, the local laws may not allow you divorce until the baby is born. Currently, this applies in Texas, Arkansas, Arizona, and other states.

The needs of any existing children and the particulars of family planning are an extremely important factor to consider. It can impact you financially and emotionally and may also carry certain legal peculiarities.

Be sure to consult your attorney on all matters of concern, involving your family, and develop the plan that will best suit your unique situation, your wallet, and your personal well-being.

How to Seek Divorce Advice

Once you make a decision, seek divorce advice from a lawyer. This can dramatically reduce the stress and prevent potential issues.

Family law is complex and has many facets that you might not be aware of. Even the slightest mistake can you cost you time and money.

Don’t rely on your friends for divorce advice. Despite their good intentions, they may not know the law.

If you need help, contact us today! Our team specializes in family law litigation, mediation, and other legal processes.

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